
Steckbrief Seweryn Gazda #539

Steckbrief Seweryn Gazda

Name / Name

Seweryn Gazda

Spitzname / Nick Name


Geburtsdatum    / Birth Date


Geburtsort / Birth Place

Ruda slaska

Wohnort / Living Place


Beruf / Job


Sprachen / Speaking Languages

Polish English Czech

Facebook / Facebook Name

Seweryn Gazda #008

Instagram / Instagram Name



Ausblick Social Media



basketball, cycling, traveling


KMP-Honda-Racing Team powered by Krettek

Motorrad / Bike

KTM SX 125

Musik/Film (Music/Movie)

Polish American rap


Lieblingsgericht (Lovely Eat)


Lieblingsgetränk (Lovely Drink)

sparkling water with vitamins

Lektüre / Reading Books

little Prince

Idole / Idols

Jeffrey Herlings

Berufswunsch / Career aspiration


becoming a professional player in a professional team, happy that I can make a living doing what I love

Erste Motorsportsaison / First Motorsportseason

I won the first competition in which I took part, we went to the remaining competitions of the Polish Southern Zone Championship series and I won the entire series and that’s how my story with motocross began


Erfolge / Results in the Past

vice-champion of Poland once in the 85 class, second time in the 125 class, second vice-champion of Poland in the 125 class, vice-champion of Slovakia, 4th place in the Czech championship with a good chance for the title, unfortunately an injury in the middle of the season, the youngest, second vice-champion of the Polish Cup in super enduro in junior class, getting on the starting machine in the European championship in the 125 class in Lommel,

Goals 2024

Polish champion in the 125 class, as many competitions as possible, I will get to the junior world championships, I will ride a machine at the European championships, if I get into the top 20,

I’m aiming for at least top 10 in most races in ADAC, if possible, the title in the Czech championship depends on how many rounds I manage to complete


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