Steckbrief Victor Kleemann #839

Steckbrief Victor Kleemann #839

Name / Name Victor Kleemann
Spitzname / Nick Name Kleemann/Hector
Geburtsdatum    / Birth Date 29.04.2002
Geburtsort / Birth Place Helsingør
Wohnort / Living Place Denmark
Beruf / Job Elite Motocross rider
Sprachen / Speaking Languages English/danish
Facebook / Facebook Name Victor Kleemann
Instagram / Instagram Name victorkleemann839_
Durchschnittliche Reichweite Social Media Distance 1300
Ausblick Social Media I would use my social media to promote my sponsors 
Hobbys MTB
Team KMP Honda Racing Team
Motorrad / Bike Honda CRF 250R
Musik/Film (Music/Movie) Hip hop, rap/comedy
Lieblingsgericht (Lovely Eat) Grandmas lasagna
Lieblingsgetränk (Lovely Drink) Coffee
Lektüre / Reading Books Favourite book genres are fiction and informative texts
Idole / Idols Ken Roczen/ Jefferey Herlings/ Ricky Charmicheal.
Berufswunsch / Career aspiration I aspire to become a professional motocross rider
Erste Motorsportsaison / First Motorsportseason My first ever motocross season was back in 2007 or 2008 but I have been on a bike since 2004
Rennserie / Racing Series ADAC mx youngster cup and EMX250
Erfolge / Results in the Past I have won danish championship rounds in 85. Done top 10 in the  ADAC 85 and 125 class and placed 5th in the last round of the danish mx2 national.
Goals 2022   My goal for 2022 is to perform to my 100%. And develop as much on and off the bike as possible. Result wise I Aspire to do top 5 in the ADAC youngster cup and top 15 in the emx250 for 2022


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